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Loki thor ao3









































So he sends his hidden weapon a human who's soul he owns (one Tony Stark) to go get Steve's weakness.After his eighteens birthday it was very possible that he would never see his family again.The AU is the same, but there are two new co authors, Ali and Richie.In which Thor opens his mouth when he really shouldn't, but it works out in the (very) long run.He gives you his approval or admiration in the form of kisses.OR Steve tries his best to be a True Hero with some help from his friend the god Thor and accidentally trips into a lovers quarrel and falls in love himself.He jumped, tripped over his legs and fell on the hard ground, effectively scratching his hands open. ? Attention can be good and bad with Loki, Thor has discovered.It didn't take long for the Avengers to understand that Tony kisses were the way the genius gave his affection. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>
















loki thor ao3
Image source: i.pinimg.com

It didn't take long for the Avengers to understand that Tony kisses were the way the genius gave his affection.What better place to try than the collection point for lost things.His heart bruised and tore at Thor's screams for him.No one knows why Bruce and Nat are such close friends, but aren't together.He gives you his approval or admiration in the form of kisses.He had made his breath as silent as he could, hand trembling with the power of his seidr that kept his clone from shattering under Thanos' hand.However, main focus is on Infinity War and Endgame.No one knows why Thor trusts his adopted brother after all he's done.So, why was it that Steve never received any of Tony's affection.Loki had something more important to protect.Tony would rather give an affectionate kiss than a hug or pat on the back.Well, at least they both were incredibly hot, so there's that.Only those closest to Tony would get this side of him.No one knows why Clint disappears for days then shows up like nothing happened.56765.56.34.99Or perhaps no preparations would have protected him against the way Thor affected him.Between the towering figures of his guards, he looked even smaller and younger than Thor knew him to be.Thor leaned in close, and Loki?s eyes fluttered shut. ? ?Oh shit,? he mutters to himself.Loki needed his freedom, and was willing to do whatever it took to gain it.Thor, determined to save and protect his brother, reluctantly agrees to his own part in the options available to Loki.Well, at least they both were incredibly hot, so there's that.And when the pair meet, they'll realize that when they're together, there isn't a kingdom in this realm that can stand against them. ?How many times did he make you his whore.It's up to Loki to convince him that he shares those feelings, too.They may be step-siblings, but Thor needs a queen and an heir.? Loki leaned forward.His hot breath ghosted over Loki?s lips.The man is a good actor, Loki will grant?he looks properly terrified of their wrath?or perhaps he is truly fearful that the ruse will be exposed, now that he?



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